Saturday 2 August 2014

Time Warp - World Cup

So, unless you've been living under a rock I'm pretty certain you all must be aware that Germany is once again the FUßBALL WELTMEISTER!

For weeks the cafés have been packed full of Trikot-wearing, flag-waving football fanatics. Fireworks accompanied every German goal, and for every win the streets were filled with sound of car horns honking away. Even those who had not intended on celebrating Germany's triumphant victory in the final ended up staying awake till the early hours because of all the commotion. Good times.

I haven't really had much to write about recently. We're nearing the end of the semester so I've got a pretty heavy workload and am pretty much going to be locked in my room for the next week preparing presentations.

On Saturday there was the annual Sommerfest here at StuSie. It was also my friend's birthday so I had a good excuse to take some time off from working. Throughout the day there were live bands, sports tournaments, face-painting, a bouncy castle, and of course a foam slide. Needless to say we spent the entire day acting like big kids.

So that's it for my quick update. Seeing as I'm coming to the end of my year here I thought it might be good to answer some questions and give some pointers to those about to head off on their Erasmus year, so if there is anything in particular you would like to know please get in touch!